Human mind searching out the divine
The belief in God could be for some a path to lunacy, and for others, it is a path through lunacy, while for still others, it is actually a path …
The belief in God could be for some a path to lunacy, and for others, it is a path through lunacy, while for still others, it is actually a path …
Heaven and Hell are Christian concepts of the afterlife. They are either side of the same coin. They exist in the duality of their explanations. The religion teaches us to …
People believe in God for a variety of reasons. One reason being the way a person has been or is being brought up. Nurturing a child from birth or early …
Religion has been the source of heated debate for thousands of years. Civilizations have gone to war over religion. There are a few examples of how religion can cause division …
Human beings find death difficult to deal with. Although man is the most intelligent life form on Earth, he has, like other living organisms, a varying, but finite life span. Contemplating all that …
After searching deeply into the nature of things, many great thinkers have come up with answers to the question, “Who is God?” Here are five of these answers: God is …
Jesus gave us a very clear assignment to bring heaven to earth. This may sound like an impossible task, and that is because it is one. It is not possible …
Yuletide once represented the rebirth of the sun, during the period of sun-worshiping religions such as druidism. It was believed in some cultures that the sun was born in the …
Regardless of whether they are scientists or not, those who reach the existence of God by rational inquiry, reach it on the basis of grounds which are ultimately beyond the …
For every person who believes religion is a force for good, there must be as many again who can cite instances where bad things have been done in the name …
History is replete with stories of governments becoming abusive to the people they are fashioned to serve. One merely has to pay attention to world events to find many instances …
Theists argue that creation must have a Creator, but do not continue that argument to God, Himself. God is given exemption from this supposed natural rule. It would seem there …
God did not create Satan, He created Lucifer. Lucifer was a mighty archangel who had charge over many other angels. The angel, Lucifer, dwelt in the glory of God in …
Many people do not believe in a physical place known as Hell, nor in the idea that some people are sentenced to spiritual torment after their deaths, and indeed find …
To provide an answer to the question “Is it self-evident that God exists?” this article examines the following: (a) whether or not the proposition “God exists” is a self-evident proposition, …
There is a tendency to underestimate the ability of children to understand the things of God. However, the minds of children have not yet been muddled with the skepticism of …
God is real to those who choose to believe in him/her/it. To people who choose not to believe, then God might be classed as an invention. As it is neither possible …
When somebody dies, it may truly not be the end of perceived existence. It might be just the beginning. Consciousness may exist outside of the flesh and blood-brain, as the …
The truth of the oneness of God ranks high among the elements of knowledge that God wanted us to be able to acquire with ease and facility. “We believe in …
Oracle cards are commonly referred to as angel cards and are a lot like a positive version of tarot cards. Because Tarot cards carry a mystical and somewhat superstitious associate, …
It’s clear from many institutions of higher learning that there’s a difference between God and the university. But one New York Times columnist (who is himself a professor) doesn’t think a college …
God provides comfort to us at all times, but particularly so he does this in the midst of our problems. Why does God provide comfort to us even in the …
Many people have reasons for believing that it’s quite likely that human personalities die along with the human bodies that enabled them to exist for a short time. Other people …
“No one argues that different economic systems or political regimes are one and the same,” Stephen Prothero says in the opening to his 2010 book “God is Not One: The Eight …
New atheists posit that the world would be a better place if we evolved past religious beliefs and fantasies about the existence of God. They advocate abolishing all religious beliefs …
When God created mankind, He gave them free will. God had no desire that they be robotic in nature, and it does sadden Him when individuals choose to be cruel, …
The Kingdom of God may seem elusive due to the numerous analogies Jesus utilized to speak of this heavenly domain. However, truth is often hidden in simplicity. One could say …
The question ‘Does God exist?’ seems to have been present in every culture and philosopher. There is one philosopher however who can be singled out as the thinker whose remarks …
Are organized religions good for the world? This is not an easy question to answer. At some point practitioners of all religions do bad things such as acts of social …
The church of the Laodiceans is instructed to ‘anoint your eyes with eye salve’. It seems an unusual bit of advice. What does eyesight have to do with the church? …
To give the benefit of the doubt to religious leaders, they don’t set out to offend their listeners (if they’re in their right minds), especially not to the point of …
Organized religion, despite any actual benefits it might yield to society, tends to get a bad rap (even though it’s supposed to be a force for good) since many people …