Christianity is a living faith


To love God with your whole heart and to see his handiwork everywhere is a part of what Christianity is all about. When you love, you don’t want to cause problems for the object of your love. Therefore, in order to love your Creator fully, you seek wisdom from the scriptures that show how Christ lived while on earth, and then you do likewise. Like John, you believe that “In the beginning, God was word, and the word became flesh.” That is probably a hard brain food tidbit to swallow, but Christianity is built upon such phrases.

“By using the word Word, John was using a term that had rich meaning to Greek and Jewish philosophers. They also believed that God had created everything through his word, or his wisdom. Since God was a rational being, he always had a word with him. The “word” was his power to think — his rationality, his creativity”.

Why words matter

Words are the primary tools of communication, and Christianity is all about communication between this world and the one where God reigns supreme. In order to get His message across, God became Jesus Christ. Together, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit — the Trinity — carry  on the work of redeeming the world. In the scriptures, it simply states that “God gave his only begotten son, Jesus that humanity would not be lost“. In other words, it was part of God’s plan that he, as a human person, should die on the cross to save others from sin. Jesus, as God, knew all that would happen to him; as man, he agonized over the impending trial he must undergo, but he was crucified and died, lived among his chosen teachers for forty days and then went to Heaven.

In 33 AD, the fateful crucifixion happened.  To ensure that every word he spoke would be remembered and carried out, Christianity started. Like any revolutionary events, it was not easy. His followers were likewise tortured and slain, but the Church continued and still continues.

Christianity today

Although the picture of Christ’s crucifixion is vivid in the minds of those who love Him and emulate Him, the true believers recognize the same problems in the world today that caused that enormous lack of communication over twenty centuries ago. There’s agony and suffering today, and far from being an end-all in itself, Christianity teaches that suffering is necessary for healing. Joy comes, however, when their prayers are answered, when their problems are solved and when they feel his guidance.

The Holy Spirit dwells among the faithful and guides those who seek to someday cross over into a better world. Christianity is not a religion for the fainthearted or for those who want their rewards now, (although, there are ample rewards for those who desire only to live their life according to his teachings), but are for those who want only what God wants for them. Their dedication starts with the simple words, ‘Your will Lord, not mine, be done.’  In a nutshell, that is Christianity.

But then no one really knows the mind of God, but with effort and loving attention to His ways, hints are given now and then, and these are sufficient to keep His laborers asking for more. Part of the problem with religion, any religion, is that a few want to take over the reins and dictate to others. Because each person has a unique way of seeing the world of nature and of God, they often don’t have the insight others might have. Who is right and who is wrong are arguments of the world and create problems. Christianity is simple. Just love God and do what you want.

But be careful. To ‘love God and do what you want’ sounds like a delightful, fun-filled world to live in, but it is one that must be wiped clean each day. Human nature is such that there is seldom time or money enough to do all one wants to do, and that is most definitely not God-like. When you love God, you don’t do anything your conscience tells you not to do. Therein lies the problem: With people’s lives so busy and so bent on getting instead of giving, who has the time to deliberate and to seek aid through daily prayer.

Could that be the reason for so much misdirection in the world today? Of course. God’s way is not the way of the world. However, it is the job of Christianity to bridge the gap between misunderstanding, not knowing, apathy, greed, evil, hatred, and all other means by which the true love of Christ is denied.

Religion cannot be argued over

Christianity is a living faith. It is not a religion that worships a dead Christ; it is a religion that charts each step of the life of this God-man that once walked the earth. He cured the sick souls, the sick minds, the sick bodies of people then, and he still is doing the same today. He sought no worldly acclaim then and he seeks none today. Christianity is one religion among many. God is the key to the differences, and it’s not nice to believe that only Christians understand God. Sincerity is the main ingredient in any genuinely- held belief system and true Christians love all of God’s children. They may not like the actions of many others, but as God’s children, they love them because He loves them.

Who knows the mind of God entirely? Therefore, Christian believers leave the problems of the unknowns up to God. Instead, they dwell on every word and every action while he was alive. Since words became flesh, they know that everything changes, but it changes only by the will of God. Humanity’s interpretation of these changes may or may not always be the truth. As stated before, therein lies the problem of the world today.

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