False Dmca – No


We all know filing a false DMCA is illegal and is used by a vast majority to stifle a select few’s religious beliefs. I am not sure if you could go as far as calling it a hate crime but it is an issue that should be dealt with accordingly.

People Attacking Atheist

It is pretty close to that though when the parties involved do little or nothing to protect the right of the oppressed. Those who continue to attack and attempt to silence atheists are only being oppressors. They prolong the problem and contribute to the hate that is religious fanaticism. They bread hate and hatefulness like no other and ravish the minds of children like the plague or a locust storm cutting down every rational opinion that stands in their way.  They stifle Heath debate and rewrite history in their favor.

Atheists are oppressed by their rights

Yes, I am saying that atheists are oppressed by our rights denied just because we refuse to believe in false profits and fairy tales. Our rights are being violated and we are being attacked by the vast majority who disapprove of our beliefs. With less than three percent of the world’s population being atheist, we are vastly outnumbered by an ever-growing religious fanaticism that plagues the world and preaches hate.

If a Muslim or a Cristian has a right to build a church or a mosque, then have the right to not go there, not believe in some god and not be harassed when I speak my mind on a public forum that uses religious fanatical hate speech. I have just as much a right to state my opinion as they do to preach to me about their imaginary friends in the sky, telling me I should believe. So yes, in act of hate towards an oppressed group, that is illegal and is hateful, may not be a hate crime but it is a sure sign of religious fanaticism, with the mindset to carry out serious hateful acts if these crimes are the beginning. It may not be a hate crime but those who break the law to stifle the opinions of the oppressed are definitely capable. It is these select few individuals who tear down buildings and kill innocent people.

So whether it is a hate crime or not, the crime it’s self should and must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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