Agnosticism is not an indecisive religion, but rather, it is a lifestyle, much like Judaism or Buddhism (the list goes on). Some agnostics believe there is a God; a better word would be a “higher being.” However, they have accepted the fact they don’t know this for a fact, and instead of arguing about which rules are binding and which God is better, they feel everyone is entitled to their own individual choice.
There’s a saying that goes “If you have no morals, you lack sympathy, not religion.”
You can’t be Agnostic if you are not familiar with various other religions. Being Agnostic means being familiar with the ways of different religions. Agnostics just don’t bind themselves to conform to them. They read the truths in all religious references, whether it be the Bible or the Quran. However, there is no need to believe facts that go against what makes sense in their minds or that hurts their pride. They acknowledge all religions but follow none, and therefore, they have no rules except their conscience.

Some have the nerve to say Agnostics are indecisive. To the contrary: following one religion and not bothering to research others is what is indecisive. It is indecisive because some religious followers can’t decide on their own. They’re afraid to explore and to learn what could be best for them. Agnostics are the exact opposite. They have reached out and have taken the chance to decide for themselves what they wish to believe.
Being Agnostic does not mean one has “given up,” nor that one “just doesn’t care.” It’s because one cares to a greater extent than most that one researches and tries to understand all concepts.
Is it really that selfish for Agnostics to believe what they want to believe? Is it selfish to have a different kind of sense of individualism? It’s not. Everyone is entitled and those who are Agnostic couldn’t agree more. It is because of their universal acceptance that they don’t create imaginary boundaries between people of different religions. They are equal and fair. They have accomplished through peace what nations have been trying to accomplish through wars.
Every Agnostic is Different

Of course, there are Agnostics who become Agnostic “just because” and who may not have the great morality described here. However, the same could be said about Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews… Every individual is different, and generalizations shouldn’t be based on one person.
Agnostics have morals as any person does. It’s something learned and nurtured. Similar upbringings bring similar points of view. Similar occurrences deliver similar lessons learned. After all, Agnostics are human.