Cunda Buddhas Death
A Buddhist sutra, ‘Book of the Great Decease‘ preserves for us several tellings of the historical Buddha’s life and death. Often, Buddha was referred to as Tathagata – One[He]Who Has …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
A Buddhist sutra, ‘Book of the Great Decease‘ preserves for us several tellings of the historical Buddha’s life and death. Often, Buddha was referred to as Tathagata – One[He]Who Has …
Rain, flowers, and sunshine are just some things we celebrate with spring. The celebration of Ostara is another. Ostara is a lesser sabbat but an important one none-the-less. This celebration …
Solomon is probably one of the most well-known kings of biblical times. The exact dates of his rule are disputed but he became king in about 967 BCE and ruled …
Comparing the sayings and teachings of Siddhartha Guatama, the historical Buddha, and the historical Jesus; one would have to be blind not to see some similarities. After all, they were …
Oh, Kill Me Now! “This day is getting to be more and more trying. It was selected and set apart last November as a day of rest. I already had …
Some say Buddhism began before we can even remember. In fact, they say that Shakyamuni Buddha, the guy in all the statues, is just the current Buddha, the Buddha of …
In the Bible, you find 3 of the 4 Greek words for love, storge (familial love), philia (friendship love), and agape (altruistic love). The one that is missing is eros …
Literally speaking, Hindu is a resident of land through which the river Indus flows. Over the years and during colonization of the land, the word “Indu” transformed into “Hindu”. The …
If you are one of those fortunate people who feel the need to discover the truth of their existence and the real purpose of life, then you have come to …
Consider the ancient questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the universe? How did it come into being? No doubt every thinking, feeling, the human being has …
Apparently fire and brimstone are a thing of the past. One doesn’t burn in hell for eternity anymore, one simply does not set eyes on the face of “God” as …
History is replete with stories of governments becoming abusive to the people they are fashioned to serve. One merely has to pay attention to world events to find many instances …
A Look at Hinduism’s Effect on World Religions: A Simple Look at Entropy, Henotheism, and The Shape of Religion to Come In the study of religions, all is entropy. Remember …
The five-fold ministry is the leaders of the church delineated in Ephesians chapter four. These five different leaders are essential for the government of a healthy church. Ephesians 4:11 reads …
It is the habit of human beings to find comfort in the familiar. Therefore it should be no surprise that whether geographically, intellectually or theologically, the law of inertia takes …
The Buddha himself summarized the teachings (dharma) well when he said, “Avoid evildoing (harming), practice virtue well, subdue your mind”. This is the core of Buddhist beliefs. It is based …
September 11, 2001, ought to be enough to convince anyone that the reward after death myth is a dangerous one. The hijackers of the planes were all reported to have …
The process of Mastery in any endeavor is a process that often involves the extensive dedication of hours because the psyche is a habitual matrix that learns automatic behavior through …
He was not all about Shamrocks and Green Beer! He was seen -and is still- by many as a savior to the Irish people. At least in the general sense …
This Zen story is about learning, about learning the hard way, through being deeply loved, all the way through the hardships. We are always, always, each of us, this deeply …
The biggest problem atheists have ever faced in the United States is that anti-atheist bigotry is an integral – sometimes necessary – part of Western theism, especially in Islam and …
It is stereotypically asserted that all religion usurps the rights of women and makes them second class citizens. Unable to speak for all religions, this article will focus on the …
The Future Of Atheism In America. Over the past few hundred years, religion, which was first and foremost in people’s lives has become lessened for many reasons. Most of all …
Elijah, also known as Elias, is one of the most celebrated biblical figures in the Holy Bible. He is credited with raising the dead, bringing fire down from the sky …
Dhanwantari (Dhanvantari or Dhanvantri) is known in Hinduism as one of the first “doctors”. In the “Vedas”, which are the oldest examples of Sanskrit literature as well as being the …
Many religions have a proscription against homosexuality. In Judaism and Christianity, it is likely based on God’s commandment to Adam and Eve, to be fruitful and multiply. When there are …
(Did you ever knock on wood or cross your fingers to try to make sure something good will happen? Do you avoid walking through the path of a black cat, …
Who knows which religion is the correct path to follow or if any single one is right to follow? It would make more sense to study each one and determine …
It is difficult in being an Atheist without engaging in a debate with someone about God. It goes without saying. I have been in many myself and throughout my experience, …
A TRUSTING CIRCLE OF FRIENDSHIPS: Experience of a Nichiren Buddhist January 20th marks 28 years since I committed my life to the practice of Nichiren Buddhism, and received my own …
Within the religion of Buddhism, there are what is known as the Four Noble Truths. Dukkha refers to suffering, pain, sorrow, affliction, misery, anguish, etc. These Four Noble Truths on …
Witches have come a long way in 420 years. Back in 1692, they were being burned at the stake—today, the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado erects …