Laws of Islam concerning Women
The Zina Ordinance is part of the Hadood Ordinance in Pakistan’s law. It was brought in by General Zia-ul-Haq, President of Pakistan in 1979. For the first time in Pakistan’s …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
The Zina Ordinance is part of the Hadood Ordinance in Pakistan’s law. It was brought in by General Zia-ul-Haq, President of Pakistan in 1979. For the first time in Pakistan’s …
Better known today as the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama is respected as a great teacher, whose teachings were an oral tradition for a while before being written down and became a …
Phi (The Golden Ratio) Phi, pronounced as “fi”, kind of like “fly”, is simply an irrational number like pi, but unlike pi, Phi has a great deal of very unusual …
In my search of the world’s religions, many failed to convince me of their beliefs, because I was seeking answers. Why do young people die? Why did my husband die …
The power of forgiving is more persuasive than you or me. The true willingness to set aside past hurts is an act of God. In human faults, it is impossible …
It is a norm for a busy guardian or parent to wake up one Sunday and say “No, I’m not in a mood to go to church”. But this attitude, …
This miracle occurs in Capernaum. Mark tells us that it takes place “A few days later.” Jesus has returned from his travels in Galilee and has come back to the …
The ultimate goal of life in Hinduism is “MOKSHA”. Another word for Moksha is “MUKTI”. Both these words literally mean liberation. Liberation from what? Liberation from the bonds of the …
Pagan history is everywhere and is easily found by researching the history of our modern customs and practices. Some of the days of the week and even some months of …
There is no governing body, and there are no bishops, elders, or anyone else determining how atheists should do anything, or telling us what to believe. So how, or if, …
First and foremost I don’t believe there are any atheists. The people that are close to me and love me dearly think that this statement is gross arrogance but it …
“The Lord our God, the Lord is one” is a phrase spoken in the Shema of the Old Testament and by Jesus in the New Testament. God’s omnipotence, omnipresence and being an omniscient …
I am a Krsna devotee, also known as a Hare Krishna guy. To understand Krsna is not a very easy task. We have got more than one hundred books based …
This Avatar of Lord Vishnu is of particular significance to the inhabitants and descendants of the people of Kerala with key importance to the harvest time festival called Onam. Onam …
God did not create Satan, He created Lucifer. Lucifer was a mighty archangel who had charge over many other angels. The angel, Lucifer, dwelt in the glory of God in …
Pagan Reconstructionists, or more commonly referred to in the Pagan Community simply as Recons, is a fast-growing movement within Paganism. For the past ten years really, the Recons have been …
A logical conclusion by definition is one that can be reached by looking at cold facts, considering distinct possibilities, and coming to a likely conclusion based on the two together. …
Understanding Yom Kippur – for the Non-Jewish. Prayer, penitence, fasting and feasting mark the most important of Jewish holidays; one that is most likely to see the otherwise non-observant go …
From before recorded history, men have believed in a god. God made, he created, he controlled. God is the answer to why things happen that we don’t understand. SO is …
Imagine if one day atheism was to be officially declared a religion. It would mean that technically, every single person in this world is religious! Atheism is not a religion, …
It is meal time at the temple’s Great Hall and a line of monks are performing ‘kin-hin’ – awareness walking – between their living areas and the Great Hall. As …
I am Jewish by birth, the child of two reform Jewish parents who believed in the “tradition” as opposed to the strict beliefs of the religion.I feel a sense of …
I assert that the man of Reason needs to coexist alongside the man of Faith. Out of the dark ages we progress through science but we fail to thrive without …
Karma may be better known as a Buddhist concept, but it is a very important aspect of the Hindu religion as well. While the term has become quite well known …
Passover The holiday of Passover is the celebration by Jews of the Exodus out of Egypt, out of slavery and into a life as free men. It is the first …
The National Catholic Register is a weekly newspaper dedicated to the happenings in the Catholic Church according to the Vatican incentives. Their mission “. . . is to provide a perspective …
Many biblical characters often take center stage, while other lesser-known characters seem to fade into obscurity. Often those emphasized the least had a special role to play, many times as …
Here is a great meditation that will increase and purify your Human Energy Field (Aura) and purify and strengthen your Chakras. I will begin with a small description of the …
Tu BShvat is a celebration of the New Year for Trees. In ancient times, ten percent of the fruit of the harvest was tithed to the priests or the poor, …
Buddhism isn’t only a religion but it is also a philosophy of life. It is full of quotes of life, facts, and reality of what life actually is. What are …
“A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller.” ― Paul Klee (Swiss painter) Spirituality has been defined in many ways. Here is …
There are several forms of tantra in the Hindu religion: Shaiva, Vaisnava, Ganapatya, and Shakta as a few examples. Tantra is what you call your esoteric traditions in religion such …