Ideal Bar Bat Mitzvah Gifts
The ideal Bar / Bat Mitzvah gift should have the following qualities: 1) It should be something the child will use for the rest of their life or at least …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
The ideal Bar / Bat Mitzvah gift should have the following qualities: 1) It should be something the child will use for the rest of their life or at least …
Standing out in a crowd can be either a scary or a pleasurable experience. If you are walking the red carpet, you would certainly revel in the exposure and attention. …
George Carlin was a comedian well-known for making various “jokes” about religion. Jokes often come from life experiences and there is no doubt that George Carlin was a devout atheist …
Confidence is the answer to many of the riddles in our lives. It helps with everything from decision making, to performance at work and play, to being comfortable socially. So …
When one speaks of a principle, the natural thought is of a truth that transcends given boundaries. A principle is defined as a “fundamental truth or law as the basis …
How water, air, fire, and earth determine a person’s character The four elements; water, air, fire, and earth were once believed to be part of the makeup of everything on …
Atheism is usually something one arrives at after considerable research and thought. Many of us are brought up in households that have a religious basis or even by parents with …
The argument has been put forward by some that Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion. There is a lot of overlap, as both the definitions of religion and philosophy involve …
One of the great contributions to the New Testament canon is that provided by the companion of the Apostle Paul, the doctor Luke. The gospel of Luke and the Acts …
Numerology is the study of the influence of numbers on our lives. There is a relationship between numbers both to love, and to God. God is oneness, but what significance …
A key topic in the lives of many churchgoers is bitterness. Bitterness is the internal feeling that results from long-term dwelling on a hurt, resentment, or disappointment. A person who …
The kingdom of heaven is one of the more difficult Christian concepts to grasp, though Jesus described it often. Christ made it clear that the Kingdom of Heaven operates by …
Atheism is largely misunderstood, misrepresented, and often feared. To pit it against religion is in itself a misunderstanding. Historically, atheism, as a philosophical movement, developed in reaction to religious corruption …
Hindus revere cows as a symbol or life. Unlike many misconceptions about the significance of cows in Hindu culture, cows are not nor have they ever been worshiped. In ancient …
Discipleship is the focal point in an obedient Christian life. By living a life that reflects the brilliant light that Jesus infuses into the life of the believer is the …
The answer to how faith can be a virtue is love. The Bible states that faith is worked by love. That means that love gives faith its power. We have …
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will …
Ten must-have books for the novice Pagan When I first sat down to write this, I thought it would be easy. I sell Pagan books, the hard part would be …
Reincarnation In the East, it is taught that each soul coming into material life enters from one of the six compartments of the Wheel of the Law. Astrologically, the rule …
A firm point of reference for examining the connection that exists between thought and existence is the observation of order. Order implies thought. And anything that in any way whatsoever …
In Buddhist belief, there is no other god that is as revered and honored as much as Buddha himself. When you hear of a Buddhist, Buddha is the first and …
Oh help! We are living at the end of days when the one that was named the Christ over 2,000 years ago is due back from having left the earth …
Dwelling on the past is one of the worst things a person can do. It creates worry and anxiety; leads to depression and suicide; decreases quality and length of life; …
Genesis 2:18 says, “It is not good for humanity to be alone.” We are designed to long for loving companionship, to cling to each other and become “one flesh” (Genesis …
What is the Christian belief? It’s vital that one understands what Christianity itself is before diving deep into the details about Christianity and the Christian belief. In the Spiritual writings …
If you’re totally clueless about Jewish dating customs, rent the DVDs of 1971’s “Fiddler on the Roof” and 1996’s, “The Mirror Has Two Faces“. “Fiddler”, set at the end of …
I have always wondered what the red dot in the middle of the foreheads of the people of India represented. I certainly knew that those dots weren’t genetic. But, I …
Just One Mississippi Redneck’s Jew Of The Metaphysical, Kaballah, Jerry Falwell, Physics, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Life, Liberty, And Justice For All I am not an expert or authority on religion, new …
It’s 4.35 in the morning. Not a time of day with which I am particularly well acquainted. Outside it’s raining heavily. But I’m indoors, in a large, dimly lit hall …
The following commentary on “Parashah Bo” (Exodus 10:1-13:16) deals with the last three of the Ten Plagues. For the first seven plagues, see commentary on “Parashah Va’era”. “ADONAI said to …
Islam is the world’s second-largest religion. This means more than one out of every six people in the world is Muslim. One would wonder how religion spreads to such a …
An atheist either believes there is no God or gods at all or is convinced that the thousands of different belief structures have got it all wrong. I think that …