God does not Make Sense so don’t believe
If you scan the popular literature covering the topic of belief in God, you’ll find the Christian viewpoint presented in many well thought out and sincere perspectives. Each of these …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
If you scan the popular literature covering the topic of belief in God, you’ll find the Christian viewpoint presented in many well thought out and sincere perspectives. Each of these …
When he emerged recently from a close brush with death, Professor Daniel Dennett heard that some of his religious friends had prayed for him. True to form, he quipped that …
The word initiation means to ‘enter into’ and its true meaning will become more explained as we now enter the new age. Humanity today is coming of age and is …
The New Testament gospel writers had many purposes in their writing, but at the end of their accounts, they all had a common theme. What was the great purpose of …
We all live in the real world. When Christians speak of God as the anchor for all morality this does not mean that atheists are in contrast, immoral people. This …
Angels, by any name, exist within the major religions of the world. In Buddhism, “devas” are celestial beings and “dharmapalas” are protectors. In Catholicism, angels are intermediaries between God and …
The god Indra is the king of the Vedic gods, and is god of thunder, lightning, and rain. The Vedic gods themselves were deities worshiped by tribal Aryan invaders from …
Sometimes, to have the courage to be yourself you must find yourself, in this maze of events going on around the world. You really have to work within yourself and …
The Old Religion, which is the basis for many who practice Paganism today, still came in various forms. The general public still today remains unaware of how the nature of …
Like most of the great men of his time, little verifiable information still exists about the Buddhist monk known as Bodhidharma. His life is shrouded in a haze of legend …
Atheism is defined by a lack of belief in deities and not by some world view or set of common values. For that reason, it is often criticized by religious …
Today, several different Presbyterian denominations maintain church organizations within the United States (and around the world). All of them trace their roots back to the Church of Scotland, an offshoot …
Thoughts on the Bah’ concept of World Government One of the teachings of Bah’u’llh, the Prophet-Founder of the Bah’ Faith, is that the human race, as a race of spiritual …
Hinduism is among the world’s oldest religions and boasts over 900 million followers around the globe. Over 80% of the population of India consider themselves to be Hindu. The Hindu …
Agnosticism simply means to be without gnosis (knowledge). No one can “know” for absolute certainty of many things in the cosmos. Life, as the old Madonna song goes, is a …
“Cold reading” is a term used by mentalists and phony psychics and fortune-tellers. It describes the way they quickly assess a “mark” so they can appear to know a lot …
Attitude plays a crucial role in how you are living your life. In fact, it is rated as the number one ingredient for achieving a happy life. Everyone knows persons …
You are a veteran from the Iraq war. You lost a leg, from the knee down, in an IED altercation. Some robotics engineers at your local University are working on …
Leadership principles, romance, guidance for managers, supervisors, and employees; instructions for developing a winning personality are just a minute dusting of the diverse topics addressed in the Bible. It is …
I chose to be an atheist for what, to many atheists, must seem a contradiction. I want faith. I want to believe, to be loved by almighty power, to be …
The Pure Intent of Atheism Atheism itself is just as dangerous as any other creed or ethos. The pure intent of atheism is inspiring in that it requires mankind to …
Sensation and Awareness, the Yin/Yang of Consciousness Awareness is permanent but the sensation is temporary. This is a recent conclusion of mine after many years of meditation practice. And it …
Buddhism is a philosophy focused on bringing about the end of suffering through the attainment of Nirvana or Enlightenment, by following the Eightfold Path, understanding the Four Noble Truths and …
Atheism is denial in a belief in God (or gods) and the effect of God (or gods) upon or lives or society. Agnostics believe in God, they just feel that …
The Word became Flesh (John 1:14). And all of humanity can breathe a sigh of relief. No longer do we have to rely on our own guess of what the …
New atheism books are popularizing atheism to a new generation. This atheism is not like that of Nietzsche, but it is of the popular everyday sort versus being elitist, philosophical, …
Something very frightening is going on in Narendra Modi’s Gujarat. The Constitution of India is being systematically and insidiously chipped away. It is being made increasingly apparent that if you …
It sounded like a really bizarre idea when I first articulated it to myself: the secular humanist’s idea of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This would be a world …
Everyone has his or her own unique perspective on life, and no two can be exactly alike. Perspective depends so much that can’t be replicated in another person (family, upbringing, friends, faith, …
Before the Prophet Muhammad came with his message, prejudice was the law that the Arabs followed. There were a few wealthy Arab men that were the ruling superiors. Everyone else …
In the Catholic faith, there are seven Sacraments: Baptism, the Eucharist, Reconciliation and Penance, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick. The Sacraments are reminders that Jesus is …
Ghost sightings and paranormal activity are not uncommon in many seacoast towns around the country. They also often occur where these locations are colored by tragic events of the past …