Quran Study the Significance of Surah Fatiha
WHAT IS SURAH FATIHA? It is the first chapter in Qur`an when you open the Holy Book. It is not the first set of verses that were revealed to the …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
WHAT IS SURAH FATIHA? It is the first chapter in Qur`an when you open the Holy Book. It is not the first set of verses that were revealed to the …
Many of the words and terms essential to Buddhism are in the Pali or Sanskrit languages and have remained common derivatives from the original for centuries, even when speaking in …
The Ouija board is an excellent tool that is used to communicate with the spirits and beings of the Otherworld. This article provides the necessary information that you need in …
Dr. Carl Sagan was one of the most prominent scientists of the twentieth century, and likely will be one of the most remembered and frequently quoted in the twenty-first and …
There’s a variety of Christian concepts of what it takes to achieve salvation, and someplace an emphasis on works (such as water baptism for infants or anyone else) while others don’t. Salvation …
Worried that religious terrorism may do us all in? Never fear. A young man named Sam Harris has written a book that argues that all we have to do to …
Due in no small part to the atheist renaissance that has taken place recently due to authors such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, Atheism as a belief …
Buddha realized that in order to explain and guide people out of suffering and toward enlightenment he must rely upon explaining common human truths in our world that could be …
People are easily offended when one is talking about imitations of Buddha’s statues and amulets because religious issues are always sensitive. Even if you are an expert in the trading …
Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to congratulate him and say, ” My special congratulations to you”, because most of the people …
The Shocking Events Of Mass Karma Affects Everyone What is our karma from the world today? We are all linked together and bound by common fate and by our own …
Why should we believe that there is some omnipotent power in the universe to guide us and prevent serious catastrophe? As a diehard existentialist fan, finding solace in Kafka’s metamorphosis …
Some of the more notable aspects of most religions are that they compete with each other for believers, they dispute one another’s truths, they each claim to be the only …
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” The Jewish people have always taken this phrase very seriously. While there are not typically choirs found in a Jewish service – only …
‘Dipamkara’ is Sanskrit for ‘kindler of lights’ and is most commonly spelled ‘Dipankara’ in Pali. A wandering prophet and buddha, Dipankara holds first place in the lineage of twenty-four buddhas …
Death is when our souls leave most of the constraints of the physical world and gradually become closer and closer to G-d for an infinity of time. Each step of …
The tenth zodiac sign in astrological horoscope ensure by Scorpio zodiac sign. The spirits born under this sign are highly powered and extremely passionate personalities. They are born with resourceful …
The arrangement of twelve zodiac in astrology is done in such a form which ensures the perfect born dates and months together in harmonized flow. Aquarius occupied the position at …
The sixth zodiac sign in astrology Virgo are fussily involved; limited moving personalities. They wrapped their mind in just thinking and analyzing rather than enjoying freely. They are constant observant …
Advent is preparation for Christmas. It begins four Sundays before Christmas and it began with the German Lutherans. The word Advent means ‘a coming’ and as such, the birthday celebration …
The zodiac with the symbol “Sea-Goat” holds the tenth position in astrology. Capricorn ensures the balanced stability as key quality as comparison with other zodiac signs. Souls with this zodiac …
Astrology tends to share ninth zodiac sign by name “Sagittarius” with ruling planet “Jupiter” and carved with element “Fire”. The souls born under the sign of half human and half …
The last but not the least zodiac sign in astrology is Pisces, the twelfth sun sign is dominated by ruling planet “Neptune” with universal fluid “Water” with lucky number 7, …
Taurus Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs Taurus with Aries: Score average compatibility in relationships. These two star signs are good friends and partners in love bond. Taurus with Taurus: They …
Taurus and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus and Taurus people have nice compatibility between them. They have very stable and beautiful bonding. Both of people can give each other proper emotional …
Libra and Virgo compatibility The compatibility between Virgo and Libra is a hard match because they have different temperaments. It can difficult for both to understand each other. The love match …
Sagittarius and Virgo compatibility The match between Virgo and Sagittarius seems to be solid relation on the surface but underneath the relation faces equal challenges. However, they share a common ground …
Scorpio and Virgo compatibility The match between Virgo and Scorpio is good and very interesting too. Both the zodiac signs share many common interests in their life. There is an intense …
Libra are great achievers in relationship and ensures long term compatibility. Their partnership with friends and family is flexible and picky up with emotions. They are emotionally sensitive personalities filled …
Leo personalities are impulsive chargers inherited with self-pride and ruled by the fiery giant ‘sun’ as ruling planet. They are unpredictable but lovable royal kings on planet. They posses balanced …
Virgo and Leo Compatibility The love between this Leo and Virgo match evolves over a period of time. In fact, they will overlook the common interests between them during the initial …
Scorpio and Leo compatibility The love match between Leo and Scorpio is challenging. It is bit difficult for this couple to maintain a long lasting relation. Both the partners are loyal …