Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
Capricorn and Aries Compatibility The Aries is being ruled by planet Mars, while Capricorn is being ruled by planet Saturn. The Aries is an open hearted person who is always …
SpiritCrossing is a community site devoted to consciousness and spiritual exploration.
Capricorn and Aries Compatibility The Aries is being ruled by planet Mars, while Capricorn is being ruled by planet Saturn. The Aries is an open hearted person who is always …
Cancer and Aries Compatibility Aries people have a very cool and little insensitive type of attitude, while the Cancer people are very warm and sensitive attitude. The Aries and Cancer …
Aries and Aries Compatibility Signing in each other life with same zodiac ensures a compatibility of both good and bad traits together. Airs with Aries in relationship is extreme fiery …
Aquarius and Aries Compatibility The Aries is being ruled by planet Mars, while Aquarius is being ruled by planet Uranus and Saturn. They have good compatibility between them as both …
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius will have some nice compatibility with each other. Sometimes they both may have some different views on certain things. A Taurus person is …
Cancer and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus and Cancer have a very good mutual bond between each other. Both the Taurus and Cancer feel the need for emotional security. The Taurus …
Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus is ruled by planet Venus, while Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn. The Taurus and Capricorn have good compatibility between them as far as …
Leo and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus and Leo makes good bond between them. Both Taurus and Leo have high expectations from each other. They live a cheerful life together. Taurus …
Libra and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus and Libra are both ruled by the planet Venus. However, their nature is not totally similar, both of them show some of the different …
Pisces and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, while Pisces is ruled by planet Neptune. The Taurus is very reliable person, which is liked extremely by …
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus is being ruled by planet Venus, while the Sagittarius is being ruled by planet Jupiter. The Taurus is very enthusiastic person who always likes …
Scorpio and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus is very open-hearted, sensual and easily expresses its feelings to the partner. The Scorpio is very loyal, possessive and caring towards its partner. The …
Virgo and Taurus Compatibility The Taurus and Virgo can have a very good bond with one another. Both Taurus and Virgo are stubborn, they will have very good compatibility with …
Borobudur, a Buddhist stupa in the Mahayana tradition, is the largest Buddhist monument in the world. It is located on the Indonesian island of Java, 40 km (25mil) northwest of …
The Maggid of Dubno, Rabbi Yaakov (Jacob) Kranz, was born circa 1740 and died in 1804. He was a major figure on the European Jewish scene. He was a contemporary …
For centuries, the word GOD has been chasing mankind. Nobody knows who coined this term first and nobody even knows if god was ever discovered or invented. Nobody has either …
Traditional Hanukkah recipes and menus The Jewish festival of Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucids. The Maccabees entered the Temple to light the menorah (branched candelabra) …
Do you believe in Santa Claus? If not, why not? Don’t you want someone to come down the chimney, bringing gifts, fun, family traditions, love, and goodwill? Why on earth …
Saint Patrick’s Day is a widely celebrated event all throughout the United States. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was credited for introducing and bringing Christianity to …
While I stand, in principal, on the same side of the isle as Parris Pack insofar as the continuing science versus religion debate rages, I find in his thesis the …
The cause of atheism is critical thinking skills. You likely would want the Easter Bunny to bring you chocolate eggs, or the tooth fairy could in some small way contribute …
A magazine I read not so long ago contained a letter to the editor in which there appeared a list of different religions, or perhaps I should say belief systems …
Casting circles for spells and rituals is something practiced by many branches of Witchcraft and Paganism. The purpose and necessity of casting a circle is something that will vary between …
Anytime religion becomes the topic, debate arises as to the validity of faiths other than Christianity. The religious and spiritual beliefs of the world are all valid. To say one …
Do you recall going into a closet where things were just thrown in, most likely to make the main room look presentable? You probably stood there staring at the heaps, …
The term Tao means the way or path. It comes from a single word Taoism, the school of philosophy and religion from ancient China founded by Lao Zi. It answers …
As a twenty-something living in a society whose twists and turns down the path of peace and prosperity are full of missteps and miscalculations, to me being Jewish means Tikkun …
Vedic Mathematics is the legacy of ancient Indian scholars and Mathematicians coalesced into a set of simple rules (Sutras) by a scholar and Saint named Tirthaji. It is very powerful …
Ramadan is a time for fasting. It is the 9th month of the Muslim year, and it was during that month that Muhammed received his revelation of the Qur’an. Fasting …
Many people, down through the ages, have believed that harassment and persecution of those who did not believe as they did were justified. In the days of the Roman Empire, …
Atheism as I see it, a life without religion, is most definitely a choice. Here is a simple metaphor to help explain how I made the decision myself. We are …
Have you ever prayed? Have you ever actually knelt on your knees to pray? You sit down and talk to yourself and pretend something hears you, and I should very …